Squatting, Good Luck, A Favor

Sorry about the dearth of posts, I'm in a bit of a transition period...

First, a link: Mackey has a great post on squatting up. Go. Read. Watch THE CLIP.

Second, to the Nationals-bound Ultimate players out there, good luck in Sarasota! Wish I could be there, but now I get to join in the trick-or-treat fun. As my daughter told me going into Regionals, "it's a win-win!" And right she was.

Finally, do me a favor? Drop me a line if you find this site useful. You can post here or e-mail me. I'm handing over my oldest, dearest site to a fellow ready to give it a long overdue update, and this site piggybacks on it's framework, so will have to change one way or another. Anyway, I've always been curious about who my readers actually are, so if you're willing (no pressure, of course), just a quick ping: your sport, your team (if applicable), and what you've picked up from here. Thanks!