The Magic 50, Sprint Variation

Ross's workout, The Magic 50, has become my de facto benchmark workout. I feel like I've been going a bit light on the running lately (partly because of the damn achilles, which are still bad from Easterns), so tried a variation yesterday. I substituted a 50m sprint for the DB swings, so it looks like this:

  • 5 DB snatches per arm
  • 50m sprint
  • 10 burpees
  • Rest 1 minute max.
  • Repeat 5 times (for a total of 50 snatches, 5 50m sprints, and 50 burpeees)

Challenged myself with the DB weight (60 lbs.), sprinted all-out, and did the burpess as fast as I could (no hitches or breaks in the movement, one flows into the next).

Thought I was going. To. Die.
